It was when I stop searching for a home with an others and lifted the foundations of home with in myself I found there were no roots more intimate than those between the mind and body that have decided to be whole.
- Rupi Kaur

This quote hit home the other day when I read it …

Have I been searching for home in others?

Has my desire to be a part of something … since the loss of my last life, taken the front seat once again, fear finding its way to the surface, raising questions and making me forget who I am or was it masked and I have never known a home within. Pretending I knew what I was doing

Have I grown nervous and scared that I won’t feel at home any where within myself? …. has my heart grown darker and I am not aware, have I lost myself again?

Have I been looking the wrong way… trusting the wrong people, looking to those that will never see me… hoping I will make a difference even though being seen has nothing to do with them. I need to see myself.

Fear of never being seen, never belonging to something bigger… feeling outcasted, fear of being forgotten…

The path we take back to ourselves can sometimes be dark with an ebb and flow that comes and goes and comes in crashing waves. You get tested time and time again… always bringing you back to yourself bare and naked to get grounded… rooted… to get home.

Trauma is not OUR fault but healing is OUR responsibility.

… open your heart no matter how messy you feel it is … dive deep… dive deep into the caverns and find your home within.

NEVER stop being ALL of you.

Be thankful. Be kind. Be open, honest, and always, always BE YOU; BE ALL of YOU. - #Chelz

{ B E M A G I C }

#yoga #NNYyogini #NNY #river #yogaeverydamnday #yogaisforeveryBODY #workinprogress #divedeep #wheremyfeetkisstheearth #openheart




H E A L I N G & E V O L V I N G