H E A L I N G & E V O L V I N G
#mondaymemories + still applies
H E A L I N G & E V O L V I N G
When we experience emotional trauma of any kind it changes us in many ways… so many ways, it shapes our perception, makes us cautious, paranoid, insecure, angry, sad, fearful…. its a roller coaster ride … we become different.
During these times we over think, over listen, over analyze … question every single thing and person that surrounds us; we are so unsure of so many things… including ourselves.
With an open heart...
during these times of my healing
If I wronged you, I am sorry.
If I spoke ill, I am sorry.
If I lashed out, I am sorry.
My intentions were never malicious as my suffering took me to great depths of fear.
For those that have shown great love and patience without judgement through the #ebbandflow of this journey… I love you, thank you for the unconditional love you continue to give and guide me with.
“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”
― Maya Angelou
Be thankful. Be kind. Be open, honest, and always, always BE YOU; BE ALL of YOU. - #Chelz
{ B E M A G I C }
#yoga #NNYyogi #NNY #practice #yogaeverydamnday #ekapadarajakapotasana #workinprogress #wheremyfeetkisstheearth #openheart #circa2016